Tuesday 22 November 2011

Carbonized human hair (Xueyutan)

Carbonized human hair (Xueyutan)

Pharmaceutical Name: Crinis carbonisatus
Source of Earliest Record: Mingyi Bielu.
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: Human hairs are carbonized.
Properties & Taste: Bitter and neutral.
Meridians: Liver and stomach.
Functions: To stop bleeding and release blood stagnation
Indications & Combinations: Hemorrhages: a) bleeding occurring in the upper part of the body Carbonized human hair (Xueyutan) is used with the juice of Lotus node (Oujie); b) bleeding occurring in the lower part of the bodyCarbonized human hair (Xueyutan) is used with Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (Zonglutan).
Dosage: 6-10 g.

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